Libby is the app from OverDrive to use for downloading free eBooks, eMagazines, and eAudiobooks. You can download the app and get started.
To access the Library's collection in a web browser, visit burbank.overdrive.com to browse and borrow titles, and start reading.
How to check out eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines with Libby:
- Download the free Libby app from your device's app store; Or visit libbyapp.com in your browser
- Once you have the app, select Burbank Public Library as your library
- Log in with your Burbank Library card and PIN
- Browse or search for eBooks or eAudiobooks and select up to 5 items for checkout and place Holds on 10 items
- Click on BORROW for a 21-day checkout of your titles
- Digital magazines through Libby have no waitlists or holds, do not count towards checkout limits, and provide readers the option to renew their selections.
- Skip the wait for popular titles with our Skip the Line collection! Titles can be checked out for 7 days and cannot be renewed. Only one Skip the Line title can be checked out at a time.
Need More help?
If you need more help with Libby, please visit Libby Help or call us at any Library branch for assistance.
**On November 13, 2024, Libby retired the MP3 audiobook format from OverDrive library websites and ended support for OverDrive's desktop apps for Windows and Mac (which only worked with MP3 audiobooks).
You can listen to audiobooks using the following options:
- In Libby (available for Android, iOS, or Amazon Fire devices or at libbyapp.com in a web browser)
- On our library's OverDrive website using the Listen now in browser option
- In the OverDrive app (only available in select countries)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why am I receiving the message PRIVILEGE HAS EXPIRED?
A: Library cards need to be updated every 3 years. Please come in with your picture ID to renew your card, or give us a call.
Q: Is my device compatible?
A: Visit OverDrive for a complete list of compatible devices.
Q: Can I return an eBook early?
A: Though titles are set to expire automatically, most devices will also allow you to return eBooks early.
Q: How long is my checkout period?
A: The option BORROW loans the title for 21 days, while MANAGE LOAN allows you to return items early.
Q: Can I renew an eBook?
A: Patrons can renew eBooks provided there is no active holds list for that title.
Q: How do I enable dyslexic font on my library's OverDrive website, in the OverDrive app, or in OverDrive Read?
A: Click on this link to find information on how to enable this feature.