The sound booth at the Spark! Digital Media Lab is a small sound recording space located on the first floor of the Burbank Central Library.
Access to the Spark! Lab and the sound booth is for Burbank Public Library cardholders in good standing. All users are required to complete an orientation to the sound booth and the Spark! Lab prior to reserving a two-hour window for the sound booth. No more than two people can be in the sound booth at one time. Users under the age of 18 must be in grade 6 or higher and have a parent or legal guardian co-sign the Spark! Lab User Agreement.
The sound booth is available for up to two-hours per day on a reservation-only basis. Sound booth users must have received an orientation for the sound booth prior to their first 2-hour reservation.
Patrons who arrive more than 15 minutes passed their scheduled start time will forfeit their reservation and the sound booth will become available for walk-ins. Please email sparklab@burbankca.gov with any questions.
Reserve the sound booth for two hours.
The sound booth is equipped with the following:
Audiotechnica Microphone
Microphone stand
Focusrite Digital Audio Interface
Pop filter
Additional equipment is available by request in the Spark Lab.
A sound booth kit will be checked out to you using your library card number at the beginning of your reservation. The sound booth kit includes the equipment listed above. When your reservation has ended, a Spark! Lab staff member will go through the equipment with you and remove the sound booth kit as well as any additional equipment from your library account.
Q: Who can use the sound booth?
A: Any library card holder age 14 and up in good standing who has also attended a Spark! Lab and sound booth orientation.
Q: How do I schedule an orientation?
A: Schedule an orientation.
Q: How do I make a reservation to use the sound booth?
A: Make a two hour reservation.
Q: How long is the reservation?
A: The sound booth can be reserved is available only by reservation for a 2-hour window.
Q: Can I make more than one reservation per day?
A: No. Only one reservation per day is currently allowed. If a back-to-back reservation is made, the later of the two reservations will be cancelled.
Q: How many reservations can I make per week?
A: Up to 3 reservations per week are allowed. This number may change depending on demand.
Q: If I only want to use the sound booth and not the Spark! Lab, do I still need to attend a Spark! Lab orientation?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I bring my own equipment?
A: Yes, but staff cannot set it up nor can they make any hardware or software modifications or additions to the Spark! Lab equipment.
Q: How many people are allowed in the sound booth at one time?
A: Two.
Q: What happens if I accidentally damage the equipment?
A: Per the Lab Rules, users of the sound booth agree to accept financial responsibility for any misuse or damage to Lab computers and equipment.